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Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 3, 2016

14 Công cụ hacking tốt và phổ biến nhất (P2)


John the Ripper là một mật khẩu nứt công cụ và sử dụng các phương pháp của một cuộc tấn công từ điển, nơi mà các kết hợp khác nhau của các từ trong từ điển được kết hợp với một chuỗi mã hóa để tìm một hit. John the Ripper là rõ ràng là một kỹ thuật bạo lực, và khả năng của nó phụ thuộc mạnh mật khẩu được chọn bởi người sử dụng. Giống như tất cả các phương pháp bạo lực, nó sẽ cho một kết quả tích cực, mặc dù thời gian dành trong làm như vậy sẽ giúp một trong những quyết định lựa chọn nó hay không. Nó là một công cụ phổ biến được sử dụng bởi tin tặc.

Metasploit Metasploit Framework là một môi trường dùng để kiểm tra ,tấn công và khai thác lỗi của các service. Metasploit  được xây dựng từ ngôn ngữ hướng đối tượng Perl, với những components được viết bằng C, assembler, và Python.Metasploit có thể chạy trên hầu hết các hệ điều hành: Linux, Windows, MacOS.

8.Nmap :
-Nmap là một công cụ bảo mật được phát triển bởi Floydor, ban đầu nó chỉ là một tool *nix nhưng về sau đã phát triển rất mạnh mẽ phù hợp với nhiều nền tảng và phát triển cả giao diện UI. Nmap hỗ trợ quét các kiểu quét sau:
  • TCP SYN (half open) scanning
  • Xmas hay NULL (stealth) scanning
  • TCP ftp proxy (bounce attack) scanning,
  • SYN/FIN scanning thông qua IP  (bypass một số bộ loc)
  • TCP ACK và Window scanning
  • UDP raw ICMP port unreachable scanning
  • ICMP scanning (ping-sweep),
  • TCP Ping scanning
  • Direct (non portmapper) RPC scanning
  • Nhận diện hệ điều hành bằng TCP/IP Fingerprinting
  • Reverse-ident scanning
  • Vanilla TCP connect() scanning
Bạn có thể tham khảo thêm bài viết về Các kỹ thuật quét cổng cơ bản để hiểu hơn về các kỹ thuật này.
Nmap cũng hỗ trợ những chức năng khác như tính toán thời gian trễ, thời gian chờ gói tin, quét port song song, phát hiện máy chủ “down” thông qua ping song song.

9.WireShark :
- Đây là một phần mềm không thể thiếu cho người làm bảo mật.
Wireshark là một công cụ kiểm tra, theo dõi và phân tích thông tin mạng được phát triển bởi Gerald Combs. Phiên bản đầu tiên của Wireshark mang tên Ethereal được phát hành năm 1988. Đến nay, WireShark vượt trội về khả năng hỗ trợ các giao thức (khoảng 850 loại), từ những loại phổ biến như TCP, IP đến những loại đặc biệt như là AppleTalk và Bit Torrent. Các tiện ích của phần mềm Wireshark:Thân thiện với người dùng: Giao diện của Wireshark là một trong những giao diện phần mềm phân tích gói dễ dùng nhất. Wireshark là ứng dụng đồ hoạ với hệ thống menu rât rõ ràng và được bố trí dễ hiểu.
+ Giá rẻ: Wireshark là một sản phẩm miễn phí. Bạn có thể tải về và sử dụng Wireshark cho bất kỳ mục đích nào, kể cả với mục đích thương mại.
+ Hỗ trợ: Cộng đồng của Wireshark là một trong những cộng đồng tốt và năng động nhất của các dự án mã nguồn mở.
+ Hệ điều hành hỗ trợ Wireshark: Wireshark hỗ trợ hầu hết các loại hệ điều hành hiện nay.

- Mon Clear -


GIỚI THIỆU VỀ WEBSITE GIÚP THỰC HÀNH JAVA Trang web này được tạo ra bởi chính người đã xuất bản cuốn sách mà tôi đã liệt kê ở trên, nó cũng là nguồn cảm hứng để tạo ra cuốn sách đó. Bạn sẽ tìm thấy rất nhiều thách thức mà không yêu cầu nhiều kỹ năng lập trình lúc ban đầu, nhưng khi bạn vượt qua những thách thức này thì chúng sẽ ngày càng trở nên khó hơn.
Tôi luôn tin rằng cách tốt nhất để học một cái gì đó là bằng cách thực hành nó trước tiên, testing và sau đó lại làm lại nó một lần nữa. Hãy chọn lấy bất kỳ một tutorial hoặc cuốn sách nào có trong danh sách này và bạn sẽ sẵn sàng tiến lên phía trước.

- Mon Clear -

Thứ Bảy, 26 tháng 3, 2016

Rothschilds đằng sau ISIS ở Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ và Syria (đầy đủ thông tin)

#OpIcarus - #FreeGolanHeights - #OpBankers #OpAwakeTheMases #OpIsrael #OpISIS 

Nathaniel Rothschild - Full info and links. 

Net Worth: $1 Billion - The Banker who funds ISIS. 
Source of Wealth Banking and Investment
Marital Status Divorced to Annabel Nielson
Full Name Nathaniel Philip Victor James Rothschild
Nationality American
Date of Birth July 12, 1971
Ethnicity Jewish

Occupation Banker and Investor
Education Eton and Oxford
Children None

Board of Directors - Genel Energy 

Genel Energy - Wikipedia

Head & Regional Offices

Head Office

1 Grafton St
City of Westminster
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)20 7659 5100

Ankara Office

Next Level Iş Merkezi
Eskişehir Yolu
Dumlupınar Bulvarı No:3A-101
Söğütözü 06500 
Ankara, Turkey

Phone : +90 312 218 84 00

Phone : +90 850 200 84 00

Fax : +90 312 219 1883

ISIS is a Rothschild Corporate Army for Genel Energy

FINANCIAL WAR REPORT (FFR): Genel Energy, Rothschild, and the creation of ISIS

Rothschild Black Market Oil Profits: ISIS Works for Genel Energy 


#OpIcarus #OpAwakeTheMasses #OpShutDownTheGov #GetTheBankers (English)
WHO OWNS ISIS/IS/ISIL/Daesh? (Genie Oil and Gas and Genel Energy – Rupert Murdoch, Nathan Rothschild, Jacob Rothschild, Dick Cheney and Tony Hayward)

Since 2011 we have been told repeatedly that Assad must go! This mantra has been echoing in the British Houses of Parliament and in the US congress for four years.
A failed colour revolution, an “Arab Spring,” with snipers shooting at both protesters and police to incite violence, did not succeed in overthrowing the duly elected Assad government in spite of Assad being painted as Hitler and a murderer of his own people in the Murdoch propaganda media.

#DontBombSyria Campaign Begins As The Sun Brands Labour Candidates ‘Cowards’ Over Airstrikes

The aim of the overthrow of Assad is to create a Sunni caliphate incorporating Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia with a greater Israel extending from the Sinai across to the Euphrates river.

By the middle of 2013 the so-called rebel forces were by and large defeated by the Syrian Armed Forces and the staged chemical attack blamed on Assad turned out to be the handiwork of the rebels.

“Moderate” by White House standards. Children abducted from their families and gassed to death is “moderate.” The demand for a no fly zone similar to the one imposed on Libya was vetoed by Russia. Syria was not bombed by NATO as a result.

Then out of no where, in flashy Toyota trucks, with a fully backed You Tube, Twitter and Internet presence accompanied by fake beheading videos using stage sets and blue screen, ISIS hit the headlines.
These Toyota trucks are popular with terrorists — here’s why

But who owns and controls ISIS?

Daesh stolen oil can’t flow through Damascus-controlled territory. Can’t flow though Shiite-dominated Iraq. Can’t go east to Iran. It’s Turkey or nothing. Turkey is the easternmost arm of NATO. The US and NATO “support” Turkey. So a case can be made that the US and NATO ultimately support Daesh. What’s certain is that illegal Daesh oil and illegal KRG oil fit the same pattern; energy interests by the usual suspects playing a very long game.

What these interests are focused on is to control every possible oil asset in Iraqi Kurdistan and then in “liberated” Syria. It’s crucial to know that Tony “Deepwater Horizon” Hayward is running Genel, whose top priority is to control oil fields that were first stolen from Baghdad, and will eventually be stolen from the Iraqi Kurds.

Let’s start with one Tony Haywood, ex BP Deepwater Horizon fame whose company Vallares, merged with the Turkish oil firm Genel Energy to create a $4.5 billion company with operations in northern Iraq. The same area where we find ISIS operating.

Tony Hayward’s Revenge: Ex-BP CEO To Head Iraq Oil Venture

Genel in turn has a registered office in Jersey and headquarters in Ankara Turkey. You know, that country that is buying all that stolen illegal Iraqi and Syrian oil from ISIS? Those involved in Genel are Nat Rothschild, Julian Metherell, Mehmet Emin Karamehmet and Mehmet Sepil.

Genel Energy Ankara Office:

Genel Energy Board of Directors:

Genel Energy Senior Management:

Which brings us to the Golan Heights. Israel has been supporting ISIS on the Golan and in recent weeks it was announced that major oil deposits have been found there. Resolution 242 whereby they are to hand back the Golan Heights to Syria has slipped their minds.

Israel acknowledges it is helping Syrian rebel fighters

Israel to annex Golan Heights after ‘billion barrel’ oil find

United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 Golan Heights
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly

The company involved is one Genie Energy, who has a registered office in Newark, New Jersey and interested parties are Howard Jonas. Avi Goldin. Geoffrey Rochwarger. Effie Eitam. Dick Cheney (former vice president). Rupert Murdock (the owner of American news). James Woolsey (former CIA director). Larry Summers (former head of the US Treasury). Jacob Rothschild and Michael Steinhardt (an American hedge fund manager and philanthropist to jewish causes)

Genie Energy Stratetic Advisory Board:

Anyone familiar with the truth behind the 9/11 attacks and who was really behind it, will recognize a number of names of the people involved in Genel.

NEWS 75 top professors and leading scientists claim 9/11 was ‘inside job

Israel in turn buys 75% Iraq and Kurdish oil from Turkey. Who from? Genel? Or ISIS? Or Erdogan fronting for Genel and buying from ISIS? Israel has also bombed Syria on a number of occasions.
Israel buys most oil smuggled from ISIS territory – report

Israel strikes Syrian targets in Golan Heights after rocket attacks

The BIG question everyone has been asking since Russia started bombing ISIS in Syria is the following:

After 350,000 Syrians have died and 11 million have been displaced, Sunni AND Shiite Muslims as well as Orthodox Christians, what exactly have the Americans been doing to fight ISIS in the last four years?

These Figures Explain Why America is Losing the War Against ISIS

Answer: Nothing. Under the guise of supporting “moderate rebels” to overthrow Assad, you know those guys who gas little children to death, chop people’s heads off and eat the liver of their victims, the Americans have, if anything, been assisting ISIS, including the CIA who trained them in Jordan, the extremist Wahhabi sects supplied by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Muslim brotherhood cells around the world.

Secret Desert Force Set Up by Blackwater’s Founder

Anyone would think that Genel and Genie, both British and American interests, would have been supporting all efforts to end the reign of terror by ISIS in Syria. But this has not been the case. Not one word from any of these individuals has hit the hegemonic Murdoch Media press. Only the Assad must go mantra!

Israel Grants Oil Rights in Syria to Murdoch and Rothschild

Uncovered: Is Israel Bombing Occupied Syria to Protect Rupert Murdoch and Dick Cheney’s Oil?

On Monday the 16th of November, President Putin presented to the G20 a list of 40 countries and individuals who have been either directly or indirectly supporting ISIS.
ISIS financed from 40 countries, incl G20 members – Putin (FULL SPEECH)

On the 30th November to the absolute shock of the world, the Russian intelligence agency produced satellite images of the thousands of oil trucks transporting stolen oil from Iraq and Syria into Turkey. The scale of the operation is mind-blowing.
Russia Counts 12,000 Turkey-Bound ISIS Oil Trucks from Iraq and Syria

And still no word from anyone at Genel or Genie?

At the same time keep two more items of information on your screen. Gordon Duff from Veterans Today points out:
For months, brokers working with, we are told Bechtel Corporation and British Petroleum, bought up a veritable sea of surplus tanker trucks across America. Look at the highways, you can’t say you don’t notice. Driven onto ships at the Port of Houston, they traveled east where they are now being destroyed by Russian bombers, trucks that used to ply America’s interstate highway system.

ISIS Oil Tied to Kurdistan, Erdogan and Lots of American Tanker Trucks Shipped from Houston

During November a two-mile long back up of oil tankers was seen off the coast of Texas. Over 20 million barrels of oil were waiting to offload. More than 41 tankers were anchored off ports in Houston.
Houston? According to Veterans today, that is where the ISIS oil trucks transporting stolen oil from Syria and Iraq came from in the first place! My it is a small world isn’t it?

In the meantime their front man Erdogan is being thrown under the bus. In fact not only is Erdogan being thrown out to the crocodiles by the wolves, but both Saudi Arabia and Turkey are going to be left holding the can for the holocaust that has taken place in Syria and the total destruction of their infrastructure as well as the rape of their antiquities and ancient sites like Palmyra.

Meet The Man Who Funds ISIS: Bilal Erdogan, The Son Of Turkey’s President

According to the “whistleblower” General Wesley Clark, or should we rather call him our main CYA man from the Pentagon:
“Let’s be very clear: ISIS is not just a terrorist organization; it is a Sunni terrorist organization. That means it blocks and targets Shi’a. And that means it’s serving the interests of Turkey and Saudi Arabia – even as it poses a threat to them.”

General Wesley Clark explains ISIS was created by U.S. Allies

Really? And who trained them? Who has supplied the oil trucks? Who is buying the stolen oil from Ankara and shipping it to Israel and Texas? Who has been running a major propaganda campaign in the media against Assad? Is this all really about a pipeline going from Qatar through Syria and into Turkey or is it about something else?


Other than vested interests in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey who owns ISIS? I think we all know the answer to that question. The Genel Genie is out of the bottle!


ROTHSCHILD and LARRY SUMMERS funding ISIS through Genel and Genie Energy and using CollegeAmerica the nation’s largest 529 college savings plan1, trusted by more than 1 million families nationwide.

ISIS is a Rothschild Corporate Army for Genel Energy

FINANCIAL WAR REPORT (FFR): Genel Energy, Rothschild, and the creation of ISIS

Who Owns ISIS? The Genie is out of the bottle!

Rothschild connected with ISIS through Erdogan’s son Bilal who sells “legally” ISIS oil.

Rothschild, Murdoch, Cheney and the Genie of Stolen Syrian Oil

#FreeGolanHeights - Syria (Please read and share all info you can)

Genie Energy (Jacob Rothschild, Dick Cheney and Rupert Murdoch) are illegally stealing oil from Syria's Golan Heights. The are doing this together with Israeli companies Afek Oil and Gas and Zion Oil and Gas. John Brown found the oil in Golan Heights back in 2010. It is billions of barrels of oil and 150 billion cubic feet of gas. The biggest discovery in world history.

John Brown, CEO of Zion Oil and Gas thinks its their Biblical right to claim the land from Syria.

Zion Oil work with another Israeli company called Afek Oil and Gas.

Afek also think its their biblical right to claim the Golan Heights from Syria.

Zion Oil and Afek work with another company called Genie Energy.

Genie Energy is currently drilling illegally in the Golan Heights, it has been sold the exclusive drilling rights by Israel.

Genie Energy have Dick Cheney, Jacob Rothschild and Rupert Murdoch on its board.

You haven't heard about this on the news because Rupert Murdoch owns shares in Genie Energy:

Jacob Rothschild, Dick Cheney and Rupert Murdoch - Genie Energy in Syria

According to the United Nations, Golan Heights belongs to Syria.

Israel and Genie Energy are exploiting the war in Syria, for the oil in Golan Heights.

They are paying ISIS to bring the Oil for them from Syria to Turkey.

Once its in Turkey it goes to Genel Energy:

Genel Energy is ran by Nathan Rothschild and Tony Hayward.

They recently merged their company Vallares and Turkish company Genel Enerji, ran by Turkish finance gangster Mehmet Karamehmet Sepil.

Mehmet Karamehmet Sepil sold his assets to Nathan Rothschild and Tony Hayward before being sent to prison for fiscal fraud.

Genel Energy are paying ISIS.

They then sell the oil to the rest of Europe and Israel

Genel Energy Gets its money directly from US tax payers funds.

CollegeAmerica 529 which are Genel's largest share holder are the US savings plan.

This is why Israel is helping ISIS.

And America has been arming them.

ISIS are being trained by Erik Prince ex founder of Blackwater.

They used Paris 13/10 as a pretext to go to war with Syria

This entire war is a BANKERS/NewWorldOrder scam. #OpIcarus
We have uploaded all the information on these guys to hashtag: #FreeGolanHeights and #OpIcarus

We Are Anonymous 
We Are Legion 
We Do Not Forgive
We Do Not Forget 
Expect Us

- Mon Clear -


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